Written News Story

Written News Story
By Ethan Moore

Mrs. O is a college algebra and algebra 1 teacher at Olathe Northwest high school. She loves her students, and her job even though she didn't want to be a teacher at first.

Mrs. O was asked by her friend if she could substitute as a teacher for a few days and that turned into a few weeks.

She worked at a school in missouri but after that she came to ONW and currently has been working there for two years.

She loves her students here and thinks that all of them are great and work hard.

Mrs. O stated when asked about what it takes to be a teacher, “ you have to do it because you love kids and you love what you do, it's a super selfless job”.

Mrs. O enjoys her job and loves all of the people here.

You start a news story by making a headline, make sure the headline isn't short and make sure the headline is interesting so you can keep the readers attention. I used my advanced feature interview to write my news story. I used a quote to develop the story more and show how the quote relates to the story. What I like the most about writing a news story is that you can write about what is going on around school and show it to everyone at school. Some skills I need to work on are writing the headline because I need to find a way to keep people interested. I think if I just improve on my headlines then I will get better at writing news stories.
