Short Film Project

Happy Campers
By Ethan Moore



Our project was to film a short film that is about a certain genre. Our genre that we chose was horror or thriller. For our project, the process took about a month to work on in total.
Some challenges were trying to find actors that wouldn't flake on us and would actually come to filming and find a day that we could all film.
I learned that we need to be prepared earlier to film and we need to have time to film. 
There was a lot of continuity errors and it didn't really seem like a horror movie.
What I tried to work on before was working on the harder things with Mrs. Zimmerli. We worked on simple things and lighting. 
I though our video could have gone way better and if we had more time we could have done a lot of more filming to get all of our shots.

In-Class Work

I used my time in class by working on editing and trying to assemble the clips together. 
I used my time well by trying to help out anywhere that was needed with storyboard or scripting. We usually would look again at clips to see if we missed anything.
We looked for flaws in our video, but there was a lot of flaws in our video since we didn't have enough time to film. I like taking videos and pictures so I have worked with editing software before.


 I am good with the camera and editing so my role in the team was to work with Editing. I need to continue to work on my editing and continue to get familiar with the software. I worked after school on projects and at home with my own projects with editing and I plan on this summer continuing to work with the editing software. My role in the project was editor as well as holding the boom mic and setting up props.


I loved working with new people and seeing how we could work together on projects. Something I would do differently is try doing some of the projects over again and see how we could change it up. I learned more about certain camera settings and how time is essential with projects and so is editing. 
I want to get better with operating the camera and working on storyboarding and scriptwriting.
