My Logo Project
The Process:
For the process, I didn't know that we were supposed to do our name so I decided to recreate my soccer club logo. Sketching was probably the hardest part of the project because of the hard thinking and trying to think of how I would do the R for the Rush Logo. It was also one of the most fun parts, seeing how my logo was developed and how long it took. After sketching, we went onto the computer and tried to figure out how we would put our logos into illustrator. That was the easiest part because I had a general idea of what I was gonna do and I got to add on to it and got feedback for what I could do better and since it was in black and white, and we were gonna color later, we didn't need to have a finished project yet. My final product is the logo in the top left.
Why I chose the shapes, colors, and fonts:
I chose the rectangular shape for the R because since rectangles have edges, I wanted to project that onto the R. The circle was mainly for the soccer ball. I chose the type of futuristic font because size the R is futuristic looking, I wanted to do that with the ush and the S.C. The reason I chose the colors because Red and blue are my favorite colors and I wanted to see what would happen if I included a lighter blue and darker red to the original logo which was just blue and black and white.
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