Logo Color Schemes
By Ethan Moore
This logo uses the analogous colors of Red-Orange and Orange-Yellow. I think they probably chose these colors because they want to show joy in using a credit card.
This logo uses the analogous colors of Yellow and Green. I think they probably chose these colors because yellow represents energy so they want to show that you can get energy from their food.
This logo uses the complementary colors of Yellow and Violet. I think they chose these colors because yellow can represent loyalty, so loyalty to the school and violet can represent power, so this school has power.

This logo uses the warm colors of Yellow, and Red because I think they showed that you can get energy from eating this.
This logo uses the warm colors of Red and yellow because I feel as Red and yellow are generic colors for fast food.
This logo uses the cool colors of blue and green because green represents growth and the logo is a tree.

This logo uses the monochromatic color of black. I think they chose this color because of the technology aspect and that black is the generic color for technology.
This logo uses the monochromatic color of blue. I think they chose this color because blue represents loyalty and that they want people to think that this company is loyal.
Triad Colors
This logo uses the triad colors of yellow, red and blue. These colors are all primary colors and yellow can represent energy and blue can represent wisdom, so that might mean that this food can give you energy and it is wise to eat this food.
This logo uses the triad colors of yellow, red and blue. I think they chose these colors because this sports team has energy and is wise and has strength, which represents these three colors.
Nice job!