AB Sequence

AB Sequence
By Ethan Moore

              What I learned about the 6 different shots and film sequencing is that I need to be careful about where to position the camera and to not break the 180 degree rule so I don't mess up the video. The 180 degree rule can have a big effect on the viewers of the video. Film sequencing is one of the most important things when taking video and editing it. You don't want to have videos out of place because that could confuse the audience when viewing it. I thought brainstorming and sketching was probably one of our best parts of this project, we got ideas quickly and we accepted both ideas and tried to see how we could combine both our our ideas. When we finished our project and started to edit our videos, we worked hard and if we needed help, we would ask each other. Finding the music was really hard though because we couldn't find a lot of the music we were looking for.

              It was Andrews idea to go from in the hall to the classroom. Andrew came up with it and I also tried to include some of my own aspect into it. We did not include a lot of things along the way but we did include Andrew realizing class was about to start and the bell was about to ring, so he had to hurry and get to his class in time. The work between us went really well and we didn't disagree on a lot of things and matter of fact, we agreed on a lot of things. Something I would do differently is maybe include some more drama into the story instead of just hurrying to class. But overall this was another successful project.
