Final Exam Blog Post
By Ethan Moore
Our project this quarter was to create a shark tank type presentation and make a commercial, web banner and a make believe product to try to sell to people. How project took about 9 weeks to complete. Some challenges that we faced along our way was what we should provide to the public, what our product would look like and how would we present the cup to people. Some things that I learned along the way are that we can use sketchup and dreamweaver to make our own thing. Some feedback was that we need to talk louder and put a little more effort into our website. We made sure that we talked louder to the group and we included a mascot and cut down on the numbers. I thought that I could have worked a little harder this quarter and contributed more but I thought that I worked hard in general.
Time in class:
Activities that we completed during class this quarter were designing our cup, making the coupon and ad banner and many more. I stayed productive by asking my group members that weren't done if they needed help with anything. I made sure to check with them if what I completed was good for our product. What I do out of class to better myself is that I look at tutorials of dreamweaver and of photoshop to see other projects that other people have completed.
Some strengths that I have gained this year are that I away better at making websites and filming a video and editing. I make sure to practice outside of class to work on videos and editing. I maximize these strengths by being with people that support me and can help with my weaknesses. Or people that are better at other things that I am not good at.
Areas of Improvement:
Areas that I could improve in are on my photoshop skills because I am not that good at drawing. I feel that if I work hard in school and out of school on photoshop then I will become way better at drawing. I think that I could also improve in sketchup because I am still on the basics of sketchup and making objects. I was still able to help with making the cup because me and Caitlyn supported each other on the cup.
What I loved most about this quarter was making the coupon and choosing what commercial we were gonna use to present our product to the other groups. What I would change is to do a different product or change the color scheme of our cup to make it more down to nature and have a lighter color. The overall takeaway from this year is that I learned about the 180 rule with filming, color schemes and I learned about sketchup. One goal that I would like to set for next year is to improve on my filming and editing of my videos so it can look professional and not look like it was edited by someone that doesn't have the editing knowledge.
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