Sketchup Blog

My Sketchup Blog
By Ethan Moore

The scope:

The scope of the project was to create a house based on a house plan from and then add textures to it and write a blog about it.


In pre-production we had to pick a house plan that met the certain requirements and we liked. Production was my favorite part of this project because we got to edit the house and create it and it was so fun seeing how it ended up in the end. Post production, we had to make views for our house and create a video for it which was really fun.

What I learned:

Technically- What I learned about sketchup is that it can be used for many different things like creating objects like houses. That even tv shows uses ketchup like fixer upper which is one of my favorite shows. Sketch up is also a very sensitive app and you cannot be messing up a lot.
Professionally- What I learned professionally is that you will need help with sketchup in case you miss a day or you can't hear as well. I am now more aware of project deadlines and that I need to be more aware of them.


What I would do different is choose a different house because even though it was a kinda easy house, it was really time consuming and that if I choose a different house, I won't have to worry about my time. Something I would keep the same is the way I did the porch and the roof because even though it was one of the hardest parts of the house, it was also really fun.

Experiences and Conclusions:

Some general experiences I will draw from is to not goof off when working on a project like this and that is because I can use that time for work and trying to finish the project. Overall this was a hard and time intensive project but it was also one of my favorites.
